This weekend Jessica and I attempted to be crafty.
I say attempted because it seems like we bought a lot of stuff and had high expectations of our finished products and in reality they were just not good.
I made this sign a few weekends ago...
I love the way it turned out!
So, we decided to try and make a Halloween sign using the same technique as this one...
I don't have a picture of the finished product (because it isn't even finished ha)
but let's just say it doesn't look as good...
We also attempted to make picture frames
...that didn't exactly work either hahaha
Another project that I have been in the process of working on is this one...
Holy pain. Let's not even talk about the huge amount of extra white there is on the bottom. I haven't even attempted to re-cut it. I've had this picture sitting in my basement literally for months. You could say we aren't getting along haha.
One thing that I was semi successful in doing this weekend was spray painting these hideous lamps that got left at our house from the previous owner...
Now the only problem is the lamp shades. They are obnoxious. I need to find new ones...
Ok, on to yet another thing that has been "in the works"---
My living room wall.
Originally I painted this wall a purplish color.
Well I hate it.
So I decided, I am buying wallpaper!
Well, I couldn't find any that I love....
So I went home and started painting over the purple.
Just painted it white.
hahahaha I realize this is a major disaster. I still need to do a few more coats.
The new plan is to either do a stripe or chevroned wall!
Chances of either of those things happening? Not great.
I'm sure I will attempt, but you know how that goes.
and finally I did a DIY canvas.
Here is the finished product.
This project was a huge mess.
Modge podge is so messy.
Now it didn't turn out perfectly... at all... but I am somewhat pleased with it.
So there.
I have 3 more to do, so hopefully they will look better.
Well that was my weekend... it feels like I did a lot yet got nothing done...
If only the weekend was 5 days and the week was 2 days.
If only...
Anyway, have a good week everyone!
I love the canvas. I have been putting off doing a DIY canvas because it scares me. I'm gonna screw it up BAD. haha All your projects are super cute!
Thanks Hailey! Ya I was nervous to do the canvas too... it was sort of a pain (in the picture you can't tell all the mistakes I made ha) but I'm somewhat pleased with it :)
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