Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let's talk about hometown dates...


Remember a few posts ago.... It was after Chris and Emily's first date.... and I said I kinda liked him? I would like to retract that statement. I think I was blinded by the Luke Bryan date, because I just love Luke Bryan. Anyway, I thought she should have gotten rid of him last week. At least she did this week. 

I am really loving Jef. Last weeks library date sealed the deal for me. He is just the cutest. 
His hometown was a little different than the others because his parents weren't there. On the show he said they were doing "charity" work but I've heard here and there that they are on a mission. And to that I say-- You go Glenn Coco! 

So. hott. 
At first I was a little unsure about his mom. She seemed like she could be a real biaaatch-- but don't judge a book by its cover... she was actually pretty nice.

So many things I love about him. First of all how excited his niece was to see him? I die. Second of all how he runs after Emily to give her one more kiss goodbye? I die twice. 
I won't lie though, it scared me when he showed Emily his "room" at his parents house. He is a good actor because I totally bought it. Thank goodness that was a joke! Wow. I think he would have been the one sent packing if not. 

I love the top 3. It's going to be so sad when she eliminates any of them. 

Predictions-- I think Jef goes home next week, sadly. My guess is that Arie and Sean are top 2. 
Anyone agree? 

1 comment:

Casey & Ashley King said...

I want Jef & Sean to be the top 2 :) I am over Arie! :)