Friday, November 9, 2012

A random post for a Friday

Happy Friday friends!
I don't know about you but Friday always puts me in a good mood.
Even though this morning we woke up to snow. 
If you know me, you know I hate snow.
But guess what? Not today! 
Weirdly enough my hatred of snow is growing less and less. 
I mostly just hate driving in it. 
So, as long as the roads are free of snow, I guess I can deal. 

Yesterday while stopped at an intersection I saw this...
You guys--- I am seriously not a dog person. At all. 
And this just cracked me up. 
This lady had two little dogs climbing all over her while she was driving. 
Like, right up in her face. 
The things I will never understand....

We decided to be obese and go to Denny's for dinner the other day. 
I think Denny's is a love or hate kind of place. 
And gross as it may be, we love it.
((Gross as in it doesn't seem like the cleanest place ever))
Anyway, we pigged out and it was amazeeeee. 

So there is some randomness for your Friday. 
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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