Monday, February 27, 2012


I wish it was Sunday
Cause that's my funday....
Ok enough of that. 
Here's a story for all four of you who read my blog.
6 o'clock this morning the hubs alarm goes off.
He gets up, put his slippers on, and runs outside to start his truck. *Side note-- Only in his slippers and undies. Cute. 
Anyway, he goes to start the truck and it is dead. 
The newspaper lady sees him and gives a "Well that sucks"
Uh ya it does! Needless to say he drove my car and I got a ride from my mommy. The end. 

I really don't love Monday's. But there is one reason why I do.
The Bachelor. 
Anyone remember my top 3?
Well they're all gone. 
Did any of you watch last week when Kacie B. got cut? 
 I don't like Ben though, so I think Kacie dodged a bullet. Anyone agree? 
Now I'm kinda pulling for Nikki. 
I think we all know who wins though. 
Good stuff. 

P.S. Does Anyone watch Parenthood? We've been watching it on Netflix and we love it.