Tuesday, June 18, 2013

finding out

*fyi this might be a TMI post for some people. 
if you aren't interested in hearing any pregnancy related "things" feel free to skip these posts!

it was saturday, april 6th when we found out 
that there was a baby setting up camp in my belly! 

we had been "trying" for about 9 or so months. 
(i hate the term "trying". we just decided to "stop preventing" and see
what happened. if it was meant to happen, great, if not owell)

well after nothing happens for 9 months you kinda start thinking nothing 
is going to happen. 

every month i got the lovely reminder, right on time, that my eggo was definitely not preggo. 

the week of april 6th rolled around and i started getting those subtle cramps (that are really a forewarning to prepare yourself for a week of death) 
so i knew that once again i was not preggers. 
at this point i was use to it, so no biggy. 

i was supposed to "get my monthly visitor" on thursday the 4th...

well thursday came and went. and then friday came and went. 
i was still pretty convinced that i wasn't pregnant. especially because i was still getting legit, period cramps (sorry tmi) 

saturday morning i woke up earlier than normal. i just couldn't sleep for some reason. 
i woke branden up and told him i was gonna go to the store to buy a test. 
just to be sure. 

so, off i went to fred meyer! well i'm trying to be as discrete as possible, because hello how awkward to run into someone you know during a time like this! (or maybe that's just awkward for me??) anyway, i made it out of the store, test in bag, and i just so happen to run into branden's cousin. it was painfully obvious to me that i had a pregnancy test in my bag, so i said a quick hello and got. the. heck. outta. there. 

on my way home i stopped and got mcdonald's breakfast, because if your awake before 10:30am you best be taking advantage of that! 

when i got home, mcdonald's in one hand and pee stick in the other, i ran to the bathroom to do the dang thing. 
turns out i didn't have to pee. (tmi? ha!) well i managed to get a few drops out and then i waited.... 2 minutes passed and i decided to check. this is what i saw---

aka nothing. as in, no positive sign, no negative sign, notta! 
i either got a dud, or my lack of pee wasn't sufficient. 
either way there was nothing on the test. 

even though i bought a package with 2 tests in it, i was kinda over it and decided i would wait and try again later that day or the next morning. 

my sister, her husband, and their one month old baby were in town visiting so i went and spent the day hanging out with them. i went home around 3pm to take a nap and decided to take the 2nd test.

once again, i went to the bathroom and did the deed, waited 2 minutes and then looked. 
this time it looked very different!
i'm pretty sure the first thing i said was
"oh my hell" 
even though i was beginning to think it was actually a possibility 
it still came as a shock to see a plus sign.

i wasn't very smart and decided to take the test when branden wasn't home. 
i didn't want to call and tell him over the phone so i had to wait for over an hour with this HUGE secret just waiting for him to get home so i could spill!! 

finally when he got home i was sitting on the couch waiting for him.
he already knew something was up because i had called him a few times and was rushing him to come home. 
plus i couldn't keep a straight face. 

he asked me if i had taken the other test, so i handed it to him....
he kept saying "so what does this mean" and i kept saying
"read it! what does it say?!" duh. 
he had the biggest nervous smile on his face. 
i think he was freaked. it was great. 

we decided not to tell anyone for a few weeks until we went to the doctor and were a little farther along. but with news that big we decided we could each tell one friend. 
i told jessica and branden told travis. 

and then silence for a few more weeks.....


Unknown said...

Haha love this. I totally feel ya on the mcdonalds thing too! :) Seriously so so happy for you! you're going to be the cutest momma!

krisandsaramcclendon said...

awhhh so cute!!! So excited for you 2!!!!

Branden & Aubri said...

Thanks Hailey! Seriously though, McDonalds breakfast is the bomb.

I'm so excited for you guys too, Sara!! Maybe we'll have them on the same day haha :)

Stephanie and Tyler Gregersen said...

So excited for you AUBS. you are Brandon will be great parents!!!

Natalie said...

Hahaha I totally took a test when Skyler wasn't home either! Oops!