Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter weekend, rice cereal, 18 weeks old (random post!)

this dude is 18 weeks old (19 weeks tomorrow)
and i am trippin out!!
i can't believe how the days/weeks/months are flying by!

this week we got to see aunt ashley and cousin taysom at 
aunt carly and megan's dance recital
^posing with aunt carly^

i tell you what, this boy LOVES his sleep. 
and i am so grateful for that!
he is so hilarious. the other day i put him in his crib for a nap and when i went to check on him he was wide awake sticking his feet through the bars!!
besides worrying that he was going to get his chicken legs stuck, i had to laugh.

they finally got jake's headstone put out, so krozby and i took some flowers out there and went to see it. 
i love the way it turned out <3

i went to the mall to get krozby's picture taken with the Easter bunny...
besides being a waste of $20 (call me cheap, but come on!)
he seemed to love the creepy bunny!

the bunny (gma & gpa raschke) came through and brought kroz this cute little rocking horse/baseball mitt! 
he also got some eggs filled with candy and money from his gma and gpa arnold!
^cute cousins on easter^

^krozby with some of his favorite girls^

so at his 4 month check up the doctor told us we could start feeding krozby some new foods.
this weekend we bought some cute new spoons and some rice cereal to try out!
you know you're parents when you get excited to buy baby spoons!
(branden probably wasn't all that excited, but i was haha)

he made a face at the first taste and ended up spitting some of it out but he did eat a few spoonfuls :)

my baby is getting big!!

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