Sunday, January 12, 2014

Krozby 1 month

(it was hard to get a pic of him holding still)

our little krozby turned 1 month old on the 9th. 
tomorrow will be 5 weeks since this little angel came to the world!

it's crazy how fast the first 5 weeks of his life has gone by...
here are some pics of his first month---

in krozby's first month he has....
given us lots of smiles, had a few photo shoots, got spoiled for his first christmas, snuggled lots with daddy, had 2 doctors appointments, pee'd through lots of outfits, dressed up nice to celebrate uncle jake's life, made everyone fall in love with him! 

we LOVE this little boy!
i can't believe he's already a month old but we are so excited to watch him grow
(just not too fast!!) 

height- 21 inches
weight- 8lbs 3oz
eating- 3 ounces every 3 hours
sleeping- naps randomly throughout the day... sleeps every 3-4 hours at night, wakes up to eat, and then goes back to sleep. 


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