Friday, April 27, 2012


Usually I seriously love Fridays. 
Really though, who doesn't?

Then something like this happens and you want to punch a baby.
((No I wouldn't really punch a baby))

SERIOUSLY what the *$&%^!&$!!!??

Way to ruin my Friday marinara sauce.
Nicely played.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to die for are these twins??
When I was younger I used to always want twins. 
I think I would be ok with just 1 at a time now ha but they are pretty dang cute! 

I want to do tealish/aquaish pops of color in my family room.
I love the pillows on the couch and the ottoman.
Very cute.

I need these recipe cards!!
I have done a little bit more cooking lately (trying) 
but these would come in handy, and they are cuttte!

L.O.V.E the gray chevron.
I think I need it somewhere in my house...
(Not in a nursery btw. ha no bun in this oven!)

I really wish I would have found this printable a few weeks ago for Easter. Owell I can always use it next year :)

I spend way to much time on Pinterest. 
I am a little obsessed.
I'm sure if you have one you are too though ;]

Monday, April 23, 2012

Scenes from the weekend

Happy Monday everyone!!
I hope your weekends were super.
I had a fabulous one!

Saturday Branden and I woke up early to go watch our niece Kaylee do her solo at a dance competition.
Now I'm not one to wake up early on a Saturday but one plus for being awake before noon is McDonald's breakfast.
I know it looks disgusting but it was delicious.
I could have used a coke too, but ya know how it is....

Friday night we went and had dinner down at the Press Box.
I had a steak and it was yummmy!!

Saturday night I went with a few friends to The Lucky One.
it. was. hott. 
Loved it.

Last week was my step sister Megan's birthday.
Sunday night we went over and had dinner and cake to celebrate! 

Branden mowed our lawn for the first time since last summer.
It was embarrassingly long. 
Like we were the only ones in our neighborhood that hadn't mowed.
It is much better now! Thanks lover!!

The weather was so nice yesterday.
I am getting so excited for summer.

Hopefully this week I can talk Branden into setting up our BBQ.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 things that I am loving

1. Did you know that this movie is coming out this weekend?
I am dying to see it.
Anyone wanna come with me? 
Cause' I know Branden sure won't want to hahaha

2. This jewelry stand Jessica bought for me. I've been needing one and I love it. How nice is my friend?? 

3. (Technically this was yesterday) but I made chicken tacos for dinner. I rarely cook (because I am terrible at it) but these babies actually turned out pretty good! Branden took the left overs to work today for lunch and they were a hit! Go figure. Not to mention they were so easy. Want the recipe? Click here and let me know if you try them!

4. Instagram. Love it. 
Wanna follow me? My username is Aubriana
Find me!!

5. My Birthday is in less than a month!! I am very excited! 
What 5 things are you loving today??

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I feel like I have neglected my blog for a while.
So, here's what has been going on with us--
We've still been doing good at hitting the gym
& now that it's getting nice outside we went on a walk around our neighborhood. 
I still haven't drank soda.
And let me tell ya it isn't easy!
Especially when the fridge at my office is filled with it...

This weekend I colored my little sister Carly's hair
Much better, don't ya think?!?

Carly had a dance competition this weekend and my sister Ashley came to town to watch it.
She got 1st place in her duet-- Good job sis!

I also got to spend most of the day Saturday babysitting Jessica's baby Crue. 
hahaha he wasn't impressed.
Btw, it is a task to haul a baby around all day.
Mad props to all the moms out there!

Have a fabbb week everyone :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

First of all I am so sad to see this cutest Easter decoration has to be put away for another year....

Anyway this weekend was lots of fun.
Saturday we woke up and there was no power at our house.
So I went to lunch with Jaylen and then we went and cleaned out and washed our cars
Well we decided to do the manual wash which was loads of fun and all except neither of our cars even look clean now.

Sunday it was Easter :)
We went to my friends baby's blessing.
He looked super cute in his little bow tie 
(I didn't even get a picture :[)
Then we went home and took a lovely 4 hour nap.

Since we both have family in town we got 2 Easter dinners.
But I didn't take any pics at either one of course. Hmm.

The Easter bunny didn't come visit our house this year but
we did get a special Easter package in the mail from my Arizona family. Thanks Dad, Shye, & Ashlynn :)
Our mail man (who is friends with Branden) got a kick out of his nick name Freddy haha
(I decided everyone didn't need to know exactly where we live ha just in case anyone is creepin!)

And ya we had to buy some Cadbury eggs.
Because they are so bomb.

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and got to spend time with their families to celebrate the holiday!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why you should not get your oil changed--

I am terrible at getting my oil changed.
I always put it off until the last minute & then usually end up forgetting about it for another weekish, monthish, yearish hahaha 
Ok, really I don't put it off for a whole year.
But I'm pretty sure I've gotten close. 
Anywho... Yesterday I took my car in for an oil change 
(BTW I had a free one so it was free and I was happy)

A few hours later I get a phone call from the mechanic
& I think my car is done and I can pick it up.
Turns out they found some broken things and oil leaks blah blah blah
so my free oil change now will end up costing around $600!
And then I died a little inside. 

It gets worse...
The mechanic calls me AGAIN an hour later to tell me he found a crack in my radiator. 
Apparently this is something that must be fixed--
Oh and it will be about $300. 

I told him to just leave it all alone for now. 
Branden can surely figure out how to fix some of it, right?
It's times like these that I wish I married a mechanic instead of a plumber. Oh well it will come in handy when my toilet breaks :)
(Just kidding. I love my plumber husband!)

The moral of the story is.....
Just don't get your oil changed.
Because then you will never know about these problems & you can just continue to live a stress free life.
Until your car breaks down in the middle of the road while driving. 
(Details ;))

P.S. We OWE on our taxes.
I tell ya, when it rains it freaking pours!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The time we joined a gym...

So basically the title says it all.
We buckled up and decided to join a gym!
We are determined to be dedicated and go every day or at least every other day. 
Summer is coming and we are ready to lose some poundage!!
Get ready to see some results people!
It's on!!

Monday, April 2, 2012


It is officially April!
(Ok, yesterday it was officially April)

Yesterday was conference Sunday.
We've had a tradition ever since I can remember of having Abelskeevers for conference brunch. 
What is an Abelskeever you might ask?
Well it's basically a little pancake like ball with the most delicious syrup you will ever taste. 
{and that's probably not how you spell abelskeever but whatev}
One time I ate 18 of these babies at one sitting!
(Barf I know)
Yesterday I slowed it down and only had 2 or 3. 

Not only was it conference yesterday but it was April 1st aka 
April Fools Day.
Usually I like to go all out and play pranks and jokes on everyone but yesterday I didn't at all. 
Mostly I just forgot. 
Owell. Next year we will go all out! 

Happy April 2nd!